Far from being one technique, acupuncture is a broad form of medical care that involves skillful examination, diagnosis and treatment. Although acupuncture developed over 2,500 years ago in ancient China, it is still a globally practiced style of medicine today.
Absolutely! A wide range of conditions may be alleviated very rapidly with acupuncture; however some chronic conditions will be relieved only with slow, steady progress. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) suggests acupuncture as an effective treatment for:
Anxiety | Depression | Arthritis | Osteoarthritis | Asthma | Back Pain | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Chronic Fatigue | Colitis | Constipation | Dental Issues | Digestive Disorders | Eye Problems | Facial Paralysis | Fertility | Infertility | Reproductive Issues | Fibromyalgia | Headaches | Migraines | Incontinence | Indigestion | Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) | Menopause | Menstrual Irregularities | PMS | Sciatica | Sinusitis | Sleep Disturbances | Stress
Acupuncture stimulates healing by manipulating the natural, bio-electric field of the body.
Currents of energy—known as Qi—flow in pathways throughout the body called meridians. Acupuncture points dot these pathways, conducting this bio-electric flow through and between internal organ systems. Extremely fine metal filaments (needles) or silver & gold implements are used to focus and direct this energy in therapeutic ways. Even babies and young children are treated at New Harmony, using gentle Japanese acupuncture called shonishin.
Strengthening one’s Qi helps to regulate heart rhythm and blood pressure, balance brain/body chemistry, and harmonize the function of vital organs.
The framework for optimal wellness is already within you!
Only Licensed Acupuncturists, designated in Massachusetts as L.Ac. or Lic.Ac., have sufficient professional training in Acupuncture/OM theory, diagnosis, and treatment. A prerequisite to licensure is board certification in acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), designated Dipl. Ac. (Diplomate in Acupuncture) or Dipl. O.M. (Diplomate in Oriental Medicine).
Licensed acupuncturists also receive certification in Clean Needle Techniques, in accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines