Pediatric Care
Every parent wants their child to grow up happy and healthy. Regular checkups with your family doctor are an important part in maintaining good physical health. Your Doctor has the ability to perform various tests in order to detect if levels are off and are able to prescribe medications in order treat problems before they become major health concern.
While seeing a family doctor is important for your children’s physical health, incorporating regular Acupuncture treatments into your child’s care can greatly improve their overall wellbeing. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is a holistic approach. We understand that a child’s health is determined not only by physical stressors, but by environmental, dietary, and emotional factors as well.
Some of the most common ailments children suffer from are Asthma & Allergies, Cold & Flu, Digestive & Dermatological complaints, and Physical Injuries. From a Chinese Medicine perspective these ailments and many more are due to an imbalance in their body’s vital energy system. We call this vital energy Qi. When Qi is deficient their bodies don’t have enough energy to fight off disease or support the function of the various organs. When Qi becomes stuck, energy can not flow properly and children can experience physical and emotional discomfort. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is great and effective way to restore the flow of Qi and restore a child’s thriving health
Many parents ask, “At what age can a child receive acupuncture?” The answer is that children of all ages can receive some form of acupuncture treatment. For newborn babies up until early teens, we practice a non-insertive acupuncture technique called “Shonishin.” It uses a combination of pediatric massage and acupressure to gently stimulate the acupuncture meridians.
Gentle Warrior Herbs
Gentle Warrior is a pediatric line of Herbal Medicines designed to safely support the growth and wellbeing of children. These formulas are able to treat some of the most common pediatric complaints including Colds & Flu, Sinus infections, gastrointestinal dysfunction, disturbed sleep, and dermatological irritations. These formulas are safe and effective, and are great when combined with regular acupuncture care.