Integrative Medicine
Using foods, nutrients, lifestyle changes, and herbal medicines
to offer nourishment and greater balance
Integrative medicine is an approach to care that seeks to integrate the best of Western scientific medicine with the ancient knowledge and practice of Oriental Medicine. We work closely with your physicians to better craft optimal paths to healing and maintaining wellness for our patients.
The idea is to offer patients the best of traditional Western medicine in complement to therapies that have and are proving effective in maintaining health. In it’s most basic expression in the medical system, medical institutions are providing support for lifestyle changes and emphasizing a more patient centered and compassionate healing relationship between patients and their caregivers. Where the skills and expertise of wellness oriented medicine practitioners, which historically have been alternative, or complementary, are collaborating with Western physicians greater efficacy is seen for the wellness of the patient.
Collaborative Care
At New Harmony Center we see the patient as the “hub of the wheel” and the various practitioners the patient is seeing as at the end of the spokes. As your practitioners one aspect of our service to you is to create the tire tread that gives traction to the patient’s healing.
New Harmony’s Optimal Wellness Program potentiates your healing process through its collaborative care model.
Utilizing the best of the medical traditions of Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine, we customize our care packages to optimally support and enhance the healing and well being.
Complete evaluations – completed by our Naturopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners.
Testing recommendations – often testing is incomplete and therefore identifying underlying causes is not seen. Testing recommendations may include, Dutch testing, genetic analysis, functional nutritional, GI Mapping, in-depth hormonal analysis, allergy, and others.
Food and Nutrition – a personalized food plan with recommendations, resources, recipes, and assistance in meal planning to help optimize your nutritional status and personal biochemistry.
Lifestyle recommendations – are made on how to optimize sleep, stress management and movement/exercise, in order to support vitality, hormonal balance, fertility, etc.
Dietary Supplements are identified that can optimize healing and ongoing wellness for each patient.
A Chinese Herbal Plan – Chinese herbal medicine created to match your body’s needs for healing.
Functional Genetic Nutrition – explored as needed for specific conditions.
Acupuncture Treatment Plan – which optimizes the first 6 weeks of care with our team.
On-Going Care – your care and progress are evaluated at regular intervals in order to adjust and optimize each patient’s healing process.
Collaborative Care – our practitioners will reach out to coordinate with your allopathic doctor and other practitioners you are seeing.
Your healthcare providers work together in-house and oversee client care through weekly client care meetings and collaborative care visits.
Providers work to build bridges with local community medical practitioners, networking in order to meet patient’s health care needs.
We create dynamic programs customized to fit your unique health care needs
Patient’s care plans start with weekly visits. We design plans to yield results in 4-5 visits. Each treatment is designed to match the unique stage of healing for each patient.
New Harmony practitioners are able to combine many unique services, including testing, classes, and other resources, provided to enhance care
Six sessions total
Five acupuncture sessions.
Evaluation by a Naturopathic doctor
Evaluation by an Acupuncture professional
Re-evaluation and followup with all your practitioners on week six
Supplements and herbal formula costs are in addition to the base rate. Weekly cost will range from $20-$120.
These plans are uniquely designed for each patient
Women’s Health and Mothercare
Pediatrics and family wellness
Guidance on navigating food sensitivities
Thyroid and Adrenal Health
Hormonal Balance (recovering from hormonal dysregulation)
Nutritional Optimization
Detoxification and Cleansing
Healing Retreats: design and lead
Teaching meditation