Classes & Events
Events CalendAR
New Harmony Center is excited to be hosting and offering a variety of classes, events, and workshops. To learn about upcoming offerings scrolls through our events calendar or sign up for our news letter.
Shiatsu Night
Learn to Feel and Support Your Qi!
What’s behind the healing potential of acupuncture, shiatsu, herbs, and QiGong? Our bodies receive and produce energy in every moment. This class provides a simple introduction for you to learn to feel and cultivate your own energy! The primary classical text of Chinese medicine says, “Where there is flow, there is ease; where there is no flow, there is pain”. Balanced energy flow through the meridian pathways of our bodies is the key to ease and wellbeing. This series of four classes will involve an introduction to key ideas, techniques for your own self-care including some meridian, breathing, and acupressure techniques, practice in feeling Qi in your body and connecting with your hands, and two brief sample shiatsu demonstrations on volunteers at each session. We will meet four times on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00 in September and October: September 19 and 26, October 3 and 10. The cost is $45 for all four classes. There will be no recordings of the classes and no refund for a missed class. You will have an opportunity to ask a practitioner some general questions about how specific symptoms and patterns may possibly relate to particular meridians.
What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a form of bodywork that incorporates gentle finger or hand pressure, joint rotations, and stretching. The purpose is to balance Qi (energy) in the meridians of your body to create an overall feeling of wellbeing, flow, ease, and balance. Shiatsu can be done with anyone, in any stage of wellness, and the practitioner is careful to communicate with you about your comfort and goals of treatment. It is done fully clothed on a table or on a futon on the floor. Essential oils and sound therapy are included in each treatment, unless the client prefers otherwise.

Foundations in Mindfulness - Week 6 - Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Life
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is a profound path of self realization that works on cultivating a calm, clear, and compassionate mind for developing inner peace and wellbeing.
In this sixth and final class of the series we will…
Discuss bringing mindfulness meditation into our daily lives and how we can maintain our mindfulness at home and at work.
Discuss the principles of effortlessness and non-meditation
Summarize the teachings that have been presented and answer any remaining questions that students have
Discuss further classes in the future to deepen our practice

Foundations in Mindfulness - Week 5 - Cultivating Openness, Creativity, & Wonderment
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is a profound path of self realization that works on cultivating a calm, clear, and compassionate mind for developing inner peace and wellbeing.
In this firth class of the series we will…
Explore nature of awareness and mind both from a traditional Buddhist perspective as well as a modern cognitive science perspective.
Explore the practice open awareness that is particularly cultivated within the Tibetan Tradition
Discuss the union of wakefulness, wisdom, and wholesomeness.
Discuss and explore the nature of the self and how our understanding can either lead to inner peace or inner conflict.

Foundations in Mindfulness - Week 4 - Cultivating a Wholesome heart
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is a profound path of self realization that works on cultivating a calm, clear, and compassionate mind for developing inner peace and wellbeing.
In this fourth class of the series we will…
Explore a wide range of meditation practices that work on cultivating a more wholesome heart.
Discuss and explore The Four Noble Attitudes that soften and uplift the heart.
Discuss and explore the union of Wisdom & Wholesomeness
Discuss why a model of ethics based in Insight and Compassion lead to greater wellbeing.
Explore the various Meditation practices that cultivate Wholesomeness.

Foundations in Mindfulness - Week 3 - Cultivating Clarity & Wisdom
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is a profound path of self realization that works on cultivating a calm, clear, and compassionate mind for developing inner peace and wellbeing.
In this third class of the series we will…
Explore the practice of Insight Meditation (Vipassana)
Discuss the difference between Analytic Insight vs. Contemplative Insight
Explore and gain insight into the different kinds of wisdom we wish to cultivate.
Learn how to use this insight and wisdom on ourselves to develop greater self awareness

Foundations in Mindfulness - Week 2 - Cultivating a Calm & Wakeful Mind
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is a profound path of self realization that works on cultivating a calm, clear, and compassionate mind for developing inner peace and wellbeing. In this second class of the series we will…
Explore the practice of Calm Abiding Meditation (Shamatha)
Discuss the importance of working with our attention and discover the differences between meditating with focused attention vs. open attention
Explore various tips and techniques that balance our attention and lead the mind into a more calm and wakeful state.
Discuss and explore the Four Foundations of Mindfulness and other objects of meditation to rest our attention on.

Cultivating Authentic Foundations in Mindfulness
The practice of Mindfulness meditation is a profound path of self realization that works on cultivating a calm, clear, and compassionate mind for developing inner peace and wellbeing.
In this class series you will learn…
How to create a sustainable home practice
Meditation Tips and Techniques that are unique form the Tibetan Meditation Tradition
About the nature of your own mind and gain insights on how to work in harmony with your mind.
The different styles of meditation and how they are joined together to advance ones mediation practice.

Sound Healing Training
New Harmony Center is hosting Moira Lo Bianco of Integro Sonoro to teach a workshop for practitioners. This certificate program is certified by the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute.
The Sound Therapy Certificate Program offered by Moira Lo Bianco focuses on two main principles:
1) The role of sound in the activation of the parasympathetic response
2) The impact of sound on the physical and the energetic bodies
Cost: $600

Sound Healing Therapy
This offering promotes deep listening experiences incorporating sound therapy and mindfulness meditation. Participants are invited to lay down on yoga mats and keep their eyes closed for the duration of the session while gongs, Himalayan singing bowls and tuning forks are played around and on their bodies, becoming themselves an instrument for sound to resonate through.
Private Session - $160
Semi Private Session (5 People) - $60 per person